Does No Contact really work with a ex or will they forget you?

I split with my ex of 2 1/2 years 2 months ago. I haven't gone more than 3 days without talking to him. I usually initiate it but he always answers right back or if I call he answers. I'm not a crazy ex that constantly messages him and calls multiple times but we Haven't even went a week without talking since the split. I know he still has feelings for me even he has said he hasn't moved on but I feel like he "knows" he can have me when he wants and the chase isn't there so I get taken for granted. My only problem is he's getting closer and closer with another girl.

I don't want the answer of I need to move on because yeah you can say that about any break up situation. What I'm wondering is about no contact.

In your expirence of others has NC it ever worked? If so after how long of NC?

Guys how does this make you feel? Would you miss your ex more if she stopped contact or forget her?

Do you think I should have COMPLETE no contact like nothinggg or stop contacting my ex as much as I do (like not hanging out, no sex, only a few texts here and there to let them know your still there)?

And do you think No Contact makes it easy for a ex to move on and forget about you or make them miss you?
Does No Contact really work with a ex or will they forget you?
9 Opinion