Why is my ex liking my statuses on Facebook and my pictures on Instagram?

We were together 4 months, and broke up 2 months ago. It was a somewhat cordial mutual break up. We agreed to be friends and for awhile there it seemed like we were going to get back together because he would text me every day (he initiated the break up). Long story short, whether it be that he was trying to talk to another girl or that he found out that me and his mom were still friends, our communication stopped and I had to initiate any conversation because he never texted me.

He found out that I knew he was trying to talk to another girl, and I told him that I was holding out hope for getting back together but now (knowing that) I told him that I was moving on. Ever since that conversation happened he has:

- requested to follow me on instagram

- liked 4 of my Facebook statuses and has liked 2 of my instagram pictures

This has all been in a 2 week span. When we were together he NEVER liked any of my social media postings. The curious thing is that I texted him and he didn't reply... but yet he continue to likes my postings.

What is going on here?
Why is my ex liking my statuses on Facebook and my pictures on Instagram?
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