Videos: Break Up & Divorce

My 10 Favorite (Sad) Break Up Songs

"Have you done Sad breakup songs yet?" - @StingRayxoxo "No but I could" - Jjpayne For this list, I have decided to start off with a warm up song and it just is a great song to start off this topic of sad songs :) Sad...

My 10 favorite (tell them off) break up songs

Ok, so I have seen my share of heartache on gag and I want to give girls and guys some fuel! Listen to these bad boys and you can be the one in power over the breakup! not them! :) 1. Hit the Road Jack - Ray Charles...

What to do about her anxious daughter who is cheating and lying!

This is all true, wrote it for my xGF and sharing for benefit of others! People just want me to write simply..."give me the answer!" No, I have fun writing the answer, it's more fun that way:) PRIOR RELATIONSHIP CRASH...

The Post-Breakup Protocol

It has been a while since I wrote a myTake, and it seems that the most popular two of the three I already wrote were those involving relationships. They have been received well, and for that I am grateful. I have read...

10 Almost Forgotten Breakup/Moving On Songs That Are Worth Listening To

Starting off with one of the greatest classics of all time. 1. Love hurts by Nazareth (1975) 2. You are not alone by Michael Jackson (1995)...

Help - I've been leading my girlfriend on?

When we first started dating everything was great, it was exciting. Over time I've begun to realize that we really aren't compatible (I know they say opposites attract, but this is just on a whole other level). Thing...
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In Retort, 10 Helpful Upbeat Break-Up Songs To Get You On Feet

After reading the Take by @EllieLexis513 5 Break Up Songs By Female Artists I couldn't help but think there are a lot more up beat and less lamenting break up songs out there. I'd like to point out I'm not belittling...

The heartache of relationship breakups

Bedtime is the worst, craving her touch and comforting feel. Waking from broken sleep feeling forlorn and alone with this song haunting me. It is worse on days on occasion; New...

When emotions run high, thought freezes - when in a personal crisis

Emotions are the counterpart of our logical reason and we all are susceptible to falling prey to our emotional reactions when it comes to situations in which it would be better to think before acting. In relationships of...

Here is why (most) men never get over a break up! The only thing to really add is... The best connection on why men would have a harder time with a break up is because there is no emotional support. If you show off your...

How People Sabotage Their Chances For A Great Relationship

Love is challenging enough to find without self-defeating behaviors. As such, many women can't find a successful relationship, and they become their own worst enemy. After discussing the issues with over 500 men...

Cheaters: Getting Caught Bared Ass and Red Handed

I don't know if you've seen cheaters but I caught a random episode a few nights ago while I had a bout of insomnia. It just made me wonder, if you're with someone you've gotta be pretty blind not to notice if your partner...

Recovering From A Bad Relationship

I don’t know how many people on GAG have experienced bad relationships , but I think even one is too many. Relationships bring deeper meaning to our lives. Sadly, that meaning becomes damaged when one is physically...
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