Counter-Traditional Dating


Traditional dating offers the following advice, e.g.

- Buy her drinks

- Pay for dates

- Just wait and eventually the right woman will come along

- Pick a girl and commit to her

Basically, there are all sorts of things wrong with this advice, e.g. why should you pay for a woman when she wants a man as bad as you want a woman? What good is waiting around going to do if you want to find a woman? Why should you commit to one girl, when that one girl's sexual history has hardly been exclusive to one man!

This is why more and more sites are giving men advice to help counter these female-oriented dating patterns. The main theories are based around PUA (pick-up artistry), red pill (anti-feminist male dating advice) and real social dynamics (dating advice based on actual field experience of cold-approach in bars and on the street). In other words, there is a world where women have significant privilege in the dating world (checkout the 20% man theory - where 20% of men are succesful with 80% of women). If men are ever to be successful, they need dating advice that counters the likes of cosmopolitan magizine. These theories are as follows:

Pick-Up Artistry

Counter-Traditional Dating

Pick-Up Artistry did not receive much public recognition until Neil Strauss published his book, The Game in 2004. Before that, there was the Mystery Method which outlined the main 'rules' for meeting and attracting women based on pseudo-darwinistic theories of female attraction and the idea that women 'shit-test' men with congruency and compliancy tests to determine his masculinity. Men overcome this by 'defusing' 'shit-tests', using routines of canned material, negs (backhanded compliments or uninentional insults designed to manipulate a woman into seeking validation) and other mechanical / pre-scripted devices. The PUA industry has since shifted away from the belief that this is necessary and instead emphasises the necessity of confidence and 'inner-game' to attract women.

Red Pill

Counter-Traditional Dating

The red pill dating advice, by contrast, is focussed more on the mindset that men adopt, and is focussed particularly on the idea that women are more attracted to masculine, confident attributes in men. This is further juxtaposed against feminist ideals that men should treat women as equals rather than people that are biologically different. It also disregards the white knight notion of male chivalry that is falsely heralded by women everywhere as attractive in prospective suitors. The focus is on self-improvement to become more attractive, confident men, and establishing dominance as men in their relationships with women.

Real Social Dynamics

Counter-Traditional Dating

The RSD crowd are a group of party animals / dating & lifestyle gurus who agree with the Red Pill assumptions that dominance and confidence are attractive qualities in men but do away with all of the anti-feminist dogma and bitter / misogynistic ideals that many red pillers hold against women. What the instructors at RSD do preach is the importance of approaching women (LOTS of women) with a positive and fun-loving vibe.


In short, none of the above parties or dating philosophies are anywhere close to ideal (I can think of all kinds of objections to each and every one of them, including RSD) but if you're a man in 21st century feminist society that's down on his luck, then you have options besides the bogstandard traditional dating advice for men that needs to die.

Counter-Traditional Dating
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