Cuffing Season: 6 Reasons Why Single Millennials Are Taking The Leap Into Seasonal Relationships

Cuffing Season: 6 Reasons Why Single Millennials Are Taking The Leap Into Seasonal Relationships

In case you're unfamiliar with the term "cuffing season", it's quite possibly the greatest time of year for single people. Whether you're the consistent flirt looking for a hookup or the hopeless romantic yearning for your next relationship, finding a winter cuff is the secret to a mutually beneficial "relationship" designed to keep your winter months frisky.

Let's be real - There's nothing better than a little "Netflix and Chill" on these freezing winter nights, but unfortunately swiping left or right on your dating app won't lead to a first-night cuddle buddy. Rather than jumping into a series of first dates at the local pub or locking down a serious relationship, a winter cuff is your seasonal significant other to help keep things heated! Whether you plan to rev up an old romance from the past or kindle a new fling, cuffing season is upon us and here’s why:

1. It's Too Cold to Feel Sexy

Though it’s Saturday night and you’re looking for a little fun, bundling up in layers of clothes topped off with a parka to head out on a first date hardly makes you feel sexy – Not to mention, it definitely downplays the eye candy.

Cuffing Season: 6 Reasons Why Single Millennials Are Taking The Leap Into Seasonal Relationships

2. Netflix and Chill

Whether you’re simply searching for a consistent Friday night movie date OR hinting at a little something more, a cuff takes your every weekend Netflix binge from lonely to lusty.

Cuffing Season: 6 Reasons Why Single Millennials Are Taking The Leap Into Seasonal Relationships

3. The Holiday Spark

From Christmas mistletoe to the NYE midnight kiss and the swirl surrounding Valentine’s Day, the holidays inevitably bring on the romance. Rather than searching for a last-minute holiday date, your cuff keeps the spark lit all season!

Cuffing Season: 6 Reasons Why Single Millennials Are Taking The Leap Into Seasonal Relationships

4. The Warm Cuddle Buddy

Though some may not admit it, most of us crave a cozy spoon-sesh after a long week at the office. A warm body to share the bed with not only cures the loneliness of winter, but also fights off the cold too!

Cuffing Season: 6 Reasons Why Single Millennials Are Taking The Leap Into Seasonal Relationships

5. Your Friends Are Doing It

Being single in the summer is one thing, but being single in the winter is another. Though you don’t have to be the first of your friends to find a cuff, you definitely don’t want to be the last as you watch your wingmen fall of the map. Hello, party of one.

Cuffing Season: 6 Reasons Why Single Millennials Are Taking The Leap Into Seasonal Relationships

6. The Time To Experiment

Since you are both cuffed up for a season, why not use this time to explore your desires and spice things up a bit. After all, cuffing season is centered around fun!

Cuffing Season: 6 Reasons Why Single Millennials Are Taking The Leap Into Seasonal Relationships

What are YOU waiting for?

Cuffing Season: 6 Reasons Why Single Millennials Are Taking The Leap Into Seasonal Relationships
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