Dating in Atlanta

Dating in Atlanta

Atlanta, Georgia isn't known for being as diverse as cities like Chicago or Washington, D.C. and that's because in a way it's not. Its' over SIXTY percent black where as D.C. which is known a chocolate city is under 50 percent black. And when you're here, it will seem like the statistic should be even higher. I met a local at a bar who said that he's regularly told that he shouldn't be at a certain place because he's not black. He's probably exaggerating, but the fact that he could even form the thought is an oddity in itself. Here is a brief filed guide into dating in Atlanta...

It's Better For Men

The ratio of women to men is really disproportionate. Furthermore, a lot of the men (including the "thugs" are homosexual. This means it's great to be a man on the dating scene in atlanta. Finally, we can taste test what we want instead of having to commit to one meal.

Great If You Like Black Girls

I'll just say it. It's hard to find an attractive black girl in most cities. This is not because there aren't attractive black girls, it's because black people as a whole are such a minority in most parts of the US. In Atlanta though, the fact that black women dominate the demographics means that you have a ton of pretty black girls the sheer quantity of which you never imagined cohabitating in one place. You literally can go to a mall and hit on a different girl ever one to five minutes and go for hours if you were so inclined.

Pays To Know Music

A lot of people here are involved in the music scene. Yes, hip hop reigns far supreme but country is also strong (though not like in nashville.) Like how working in the movie industry while living in LA has a lot cache because so many people there value movies, having a job in the music industry or just being an aficionado gives you lots to talk about with most people. There's also a small but dedicated rocker scene.

Non Creepy Strip Clubs

Strip clubs are such a part of the culture here. Yes, it's women dancing almost naked, but both men and women of atlanta come to enjoy. And yes, most of the ones in the city proper are filled with black strippers but there's diversity to be had if you're willing to look. If you feel like strip clubs speak to you, but feel you get judged by everyone around you, Atlanta understands.

Dating in Atlanta
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