So What’s Making You Unsuccessful With Women?


If you’re a guy who’s attracted to women and you aren’t successful with women, this myTake will tell you why.

You have misogynistic attitudes

You may have misogynistic attitudes without realizing them. Do you think women and men are not (or should not be) equal on a political and social level? If you have some of these attitudes, it might play out in your behavior towards women and in the way you talk to women. These days, sexism is an easy thing to spot. If she’s not socially off, she can easily find out that you’re sexist. Today, most women would find sexism as a turn off. Common sense would tell us that most women wouldn’t find sexism attractive.

So What’s Making You Unsuccessful With Women?

You have no ambition

You don’t have to be filthy rich and you don’t have to have a six figure income. A lot of women place importance on your ambition, your potential, and how financially stable you are. Today’s economy is pretty rough, so most people place importance on the ambition, potential, and financial status of their partners. Most people don’t want to be with someone who can never pay at least half the bill. Your financial status and your career has to be enough to help pay the bills. Otherwise, you would look like a “loser” to most women.

So What’s Making You Unsuccessful With Women?

You’re below average in looks and your standards are too high

Whether people like to admit this or not, women are visual. Looks are just as important as personality. Most people don’t prefer to be with someone who is below average in looks. Looks do affect how people will interpret your personality and your intentions. If you’re physically unattractive, women will judge your personality more harshly. Some guys who are below average in looks only prefer to date women way more attractive than them and it’s those guys who are the least successful with women.

But many guys who are below average in looks do date women within their own league, and they’re happy and they’re doing just fine with women. It’s either because they subconsciously know that they should stick within their own league, they can find women within their own league attractive, or they eventually realized that they’re most likely going to be alone forever if they choose to only date women who are way more attractive than them. Common sense tells us that women who are above average in looks can be more pickier in who they choose to date, so it’s no surprise if they reject you every time you approach one of them.

You don’t know how to interact with women

It might be because you are socially awkward and anxiety may get the best of you. And gender plays a role in how you interact with people. Interacting with women is different from interacting with other men. Women are generally more sensitive and they usually don’t want to hear any sexual comments unless you are her partner. If you struggle with interacting with women, it’s most likely because you don’t understand how women think and what women want. It’s probably because you think women are so complicated and you’ve given up in trying to understand them, including the woman you want. How you interact with a woman and how she interacts with you determines your compatibility together. If she realizes that she’s not compatible with you, then she won’t be interested.

So What’s Making You Unsuccessful With Women?

You don’t want to get out of your comfort zone

If you want to be successful with women, if you have to get out of your comfort zone. Women aren’t going to flock towards you if you don’t make any efforts to be close to them. If you don’t get out of your comfort zone, then you will never the right match for you. Confidence also plays a role in how successful you are with women.

So What’s Making You Unsuccessful With Women?
So What’s Making You Unsuccessful With Women?
35 Opinion