5 Dating Rules I Must Follow for Successful Dating


Here's my 5 important dating rules if I one day decide to date a woman.

1. Only Date Woman with Similar Interest/Hobbies

Rule number 1 matters to me the most because if I don't date woman with similar interest/hobbies, that would be recipe for tension. Thus, rule number one is my first 'make or break rule' if I chose to date a woman.

One of My Hobbies
One of My Hobbies

2. Don't Date Spontaneous Woman

I would have difficult time dating spontaneous woman since I would have to deal with the anxiety of trying to figure out what she wants to do for date night. Thus, I only date planners to relieve my mind from stress.


3. Don't Date Woman Who Makes More Money Than Me

Rule #3 is another 'make or break' rule for me since I would ask myself why a woman with high paying job choosing to date me. Another problem with a woman with high paying job choosing to date me is conflict over money. Hence, I would only date a woman that makes similar amount or less money to avoid dealing with anxiety & or tension that comes with dating woman with high paying job.

5 Dating Rules I Must Follow for Successful Dating

4. Don't Date Hyper-Achiever

Rule #4 is another 'make or break' rule since I would feel physically & emotionally exhausted trying to date hyper-achiever. Thus, I actively avoid dating hyper-achiever to avoid feeling physical & emotional fatigue.

My Deal Breaker
My Deal Breaker

5. Don't Date Woman with Above-Average Attractiveness

Rule #5 is important to me since I would wonder why woman with above-average attractiveness choose to date me . As a result, I would feel afraid that she's just settling for me or cheat on me. Thus, I only date woman with similar attractiveness.

Type of Woman that Would Make Me Nervous
Type of Woman that Would Make Me Nervous
5 Dating Rules I Must Follow for Successful Dating
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