Psychology of Color


Psychology of Color

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#WowgirlRocks #girlsaskguys

Color and Cognition

Our brain processes the color we see in a more complicated way then most people actually realize. Different colors trigger different emotions and feelings inside of us all. Color influences our perceptions of things on a daily basis. Color can even influence the taste of the food we eat.

Psychology of Color

Color in Promotion

When marketing products or when dating, itโ€™s critical you consider the impact of color makes. Research shows that the proper use of color increases brand recognition by 80%. A further 85% of consumers buy because of color. Color is the same with dating. Color will impact your dates feeling towards you even if their subconsciously influenced by them.

Messages in Your Clothes

Purple Passion

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#wowGirlRocks #gag

Purple is the perfect blend between the stability of Blue and the energy and power of Red making it the most common color used to express luxury, royalty, and wealth. In marketing, it is used to soothe and calm people. So maybe wear that Purple dress on your next date ladies, because Purple also represents mystery and beauty.

The Blues

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#Wowgirl30qRocks #WowgirlRocks

Blue creates a sense of security, peace, and trust in a brand or in a person. People are 15% more likely to retain you in their memory if you're wearing Blue at the time you first meet them. It is also associated with productivity, loyalty and itโ€™s a non invasive color. The non invasive colors like Blue and Green tend to relax people more in general.

White Light

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#WowgirlRocks #GAG

White symbolizes cleanliness, purity, and safety and can be used to project neutrality towards something. This is why many doctors and nurses wear White. White in a invitational or welcoming color. White is the color of clarity, freshness and used to spark creativity in people. It is very alluring to guys along with Red. White is the color of innocence were Red is the color of wildness.

Red Hot

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#WowGirl30q #GirlsAskGuys

Red envokes strong emotions in people, it increases appetite, symbolizes sex, love, lust, and even increases a person's passion and intensity. Red also triggers a need for impulsive behavior and excitement. Red is an aggressive or invasive color that makes anyone male or female notice your strong presence. Red is truly the color of the wild when it come to psychology.

Go Green

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#WowGirl30qRocks #wowgirl30q

Green is a representative of health, serenity, and tranquility. Its a color of nature and balance. It has been know to alleviate stress towards others when first meeting you. The human eye is able to designate the most shades of green than any other color, so green is a very powerful color tied to your memory. If you want a peaceful and memorable first date wear Green.

Thanks for reading if you did.

And please remember,

#WowGirlRocks #GirlsAskGuys
#WowGirlRocks #GirlsAskGuys


Psychology of Color
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