Bursting Bubbles: The 80/20-rule


So I've been on GaG for over 4 years now and something that keeps showing up are these conflicts between either men and women generally or just between these two camps of people where one is 'redpilled' and the other is not.
Usually it always escalates into this shitstorm of frustrated people arguing or throwing around insults to each other and just adding to the toxicity.

Bursting Bubbles: The 80/20-rule

To be clear, I am not trying to take sides here I just wanted to present some details, clear some things up and back that up with some links to Studies & Experiments[Links at the bottom].

The 80/20-rule is something that shows up a lot, especially from men. Which isn't weird at all since complaining is something we all do, some more than others. But more so if one finds themselves in an unfair position or feel like they've been wronged. And considering what the 80/20-rule entails it's not strange that men are complaining about it.

Many has heard about the rule and as guys are consistently experiencing it negatively they are more convinced of it.

But for the most part they don't provide the proof of their claim nor do they explain the context of the study.
So I though I would try to provide that in an effort to up the quality and understanding of conversations on GaG.

Comment[Skip Paragraph] - Though, I doubt that the facts will change the mood and/or frustration so maybe this will only direct the shitstorm elsewhere.
Then there's also the problem where people assumes they can read into the mood of other people's texts and then mistakes what they're saying and so if they are themselves in a bad mood, are biased against and also impulsive then they will reply based on that assumption.
Not to mention that this one article isn't going to be seen by enough to change anything but I wanted to try anyway.

So, what is the 80/20-rule?
Out of context it is "The Pareto distribution" i.e. a power-law probability distribution demonstrating how 20% of people in an economy typically accumulate 80% of the overall income.

In the context of specifically the dating app "Tinder" a statistical study was make by a guy and he posted it in his blog about 7 year ago. And there are some analytical flaws with it which he confirms himself in but overall it coincides with the experienced reality as well as some other more researched studies in the field.

Bursting Bubbles: The 80/20-rule

Scientific consensus:
I should add that I don't know how peer-reviewed some these studies are so keep in mind that while one study don't necessarily prove anything. Several studies supporting each other will increase the -probability- of it being correct. [Links at the bottom].

The take-aways:
People on GaG usually fails to mention that the 80/20-rule applies on Tinder also as it was in 2015. Basically it doesn't apply as well in real life as it does in the app and I also think Tinder has changed the algorithms under which it operates, although I don't know in what way. The norms of how people use tinder may also change over time.

But in the broader picture it's not a bad representation of how dating apps like tinder work and it highlights a problem for many men(and women?).

It's not all made-up redpilled trash. Much of what the redpilled community talks about has some scientific grounds although often it is often taken out of context and used either as:
- Excuses for why their life sucks rather than as learning opportunities.
- Source-material for bad dating-coaches on Youtube that exploit the fact that 70% of youtube-viewers are male out of which many are spending their time there because their life isn't the way they want.
Whether it is intentional or not though is another matter, they may just do it because they've seen it work elsewhere.

---- Sources:

The Tinder 80/20-rule:

----Supporting studies:

"Are men intimidated by highly educated women? Undercover on Tinder":
This Study goes on about the preference difference between men and women(women are more selective), women's and mens preferences when it comes to educational level.

The above study supports Darwins conclusions on Sexual selection:

"Genes Expose Secrets Of Sex On The Side":
This one finds that women has a much higher chance of passing on their genes than males do(Many men never reproduce).

^I actually couldn't find the studies themselves that are referred to in this science-article[Above link] but it is said that it's 2 studies reported separately.
This book(their own sources included) goes over essentially the same points though but is also a much longer and broader read(Also note that it is a preview of the book so, pages missing):

Bursting Bubbles: The 80/20-rule
2 Opinion