My attraction tips for men and woman

My attraction tips for men and woman

I remember going online and seeing this gorgeous photo of a guy who was slim and had a French nose and trendy hair, thought he was a solid 9 out of 10 and years later saw him after he went through massive body building work outs and eating to magnify his size and he was muscular but also flabby and his muscles made no sense because the size of his different muscles were not typical and I concluded he was a lot uglier now then he was before he out in all that hard work to make himself larger.

And I remember going to the airport and seeing a pure Chinese girl with blond hair and a European nose, she thought guys would like her more if she was white so she changed her hair colour and got plastic surgery and my cousin was known as a beauty queen at 130 pounds and around 5”11 but when her yoga master told her she was too fat, she reduced her weight to 100 pounds and many men lost interest in her because they thought she was too skinny.

The fact is, you should take pride in your own beauty and skills and talents and not seek to copy the beauty and skills and talents of others, I remember getting rejected by guys who liked me many times as a teenager and an adult by being insecure and trying too hard to sound intelligent and interesting and fun to them when had I just acted like myself, the story would be different. I attracted guys with over 7 years more schooling then me by being totally confident and funny and unapologetic about it, did not date them cause their personality was bad, but I got their interest.

My attraction tips for men and woman
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