Should I take a chance and ask her out?

Ok here's a quick overview of my relationship life.
I had a gf, the first and only one I've ever had, she used me and didn't appretiate me, she also verbally abused me, and i let it happen. it eventually ended. I lost a lot of confidence. but I've recently gained it back and truly realized that i deserve equality in a relationship.
i saw this girl at comic con, she seemed nice and she was really pretty. I invited her and everyone else that cosplayed from the same anime. we're all hangin out tomorrow. if i end up liking her personality as well, should i take a chance and ask her out?
check out my other posted questions to see what im like (except for the doubtful side because that has been vanquished)
go for it
you're too weak right now, dont do it
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Well, I didn't ask her out because she was in front of all of her friends and I didn't want to pressure her. but i did get her Facebook and im gonna ask her tonight
Should I take a chance and ask her out?
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