Why do girls ignore you when they can't come to terms with their feelings?

I'm currently talking to this girl that I'm really into. We talk a lot, she's always flirting with me, asking me to go places with her and all that. I'm good friends with her sister and bestfriend, and they tell me that she talks about me a lot to them. I can tell that she likes me back, but a lot of the time I start to question it because of how she treats me. Some days she'll text and call me all day and it's almost as if we're dating. Other days, she may go a whole day without saying anything to me, so I go on and text/call her. When I do this she seems fine and we talk for a while..

I'm terrible when it comes to girls, i know it's pathetic. Judge me. But why do girls do this.. is it because they don't know how they really feel towards the guy? Thanks.
Why do girls ignore you when they can't come to terms with their feelings?
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