He walked me to my dorm... is he interested?

We have a class at night together and he sits at my table, he has always been friendly but that is just part of his personality. I don't have his number and we don't follow each other on social media. I usually longboard to and from class and the other night we walked outside of the building together and we started talking. We walked together to my building (20 min walk, he lives in the building across) and spoke about stuff you wouldn't regularly talk about with classmates such as religious views etc... this is my first time asking a question and thought the poll thing was cool so please vote and respond
Yes, he is definitely into you
Eh, its the start of something
No, He is trying to get to know you
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
we also talked about our curiosity in science (we both are science majors), his views on the modern hook-up culture (btw he is "old fashioned" and has values) etc.
He walked me to my dorm... is he interested?
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