I messed up, he's ignoring me, what do I do now?

I've been seeing this guy for about a month. His birthday was two days ago and I stayed over at his place and he bought wine. Things were starting to take a more serious turn than just casually hanging out. Last night he went out to the bars and called me at 3 am drunk. He told me he was going to walk over to my dorm, I live down the street, and I thought he was joking. I told him I was turning off my phone so I could sleep. The next morning he texted me saying I walked to your place last night. and i said I didn't think you were actually going to sorry and he said "sike thats why you turned off your phone" i replied yeah so you could stop calling me and i could sleep" at the time i did not realize that this sounded rude, I apologized and asked if he was mad at me and he stopped responding. I really like this guy and I didn't mean to make it seem like I am not interested in him that way. How can I fix this?
I messed up, he's ignoring me, what do I do now?
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