I'm 21 years old, and a virgin, I've never even kissed a girl. I have no job, and can't keep one. I'm frustrated that I'm a virgin, and it seems very unlikely that I'll ever get the kind of woman I want, and I'm desperate, because I need love. Somehow, I don't attract my own girls my own age. I don't get it. None of them like me, even if I try my best. So I often go for the younger girls, because at least I have a better chance. I never have molested a little girl, never! I want to though, I'm truly desperate. I want to hold a little girl in my arms, and tell her I love her, and that I'll keep her safe, and protect her, that appeals to me greatly. Don't get me wrong, I really do want a girl my own age, but I want someone to protect, to defend (because I'm such a romantic), but I have no idea why I'm drawn towards little girls.
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