Guys, I queefed during sex? MORTIFIED?

So last night my boyfriend and I were being intimate with each other... and I queefed! Honestly it was so embarrassing and we both started laughing because it was so unexpected and I totally didn't mean for it to happen *blushing* He was still kind of laughing about it after the fact but still continued doing what he was doing. For the rest of the time I just kept thinking: I can't believe that happened. This is beyond mortifying! I can't stop feeling embarrassed because it has never happened to me before & even though he took it in stride, it doesn't make it any less embarrassing. Like there I am trying to be all sexy and then I queef! I honestly wanted to punch myself in the forehead lol. Now I keep worrying that it will happen again. He reassured me that he just found it funny and nothing more but ugh I can't get over it. What causes queefing to happen? How can I make sure it doesn't happen again in the future? How do you react when that happens to your girl during sex? Thanks guys
Guys, I queefed during sex? MORTIFIED?
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