Why Do This Gay Stereotype Exist: Gay Men Are Feminine And Women Masculine?

It doesn't make sense to me that the stereotype that says gay men are feminine or likes feminine men and lesbian women are masculine or likes macho women - especially not considering they're attracted to their own gender and not the opposite one. I understand if a straight man likes feminine women and visa versa since masculinity is typically male and femininity typically female. So why in earth do this stereotype exist?

To people claiming it's true, what's the logic behind gays liking feminine men and lesbians liking masculine women. What's the scientific reason? What's the logic? Why not more gay men liking masculinity and women liking femininity? #Gay #Lgbt #Stereotypes
Why Do This Gay Stereotype Exist: Gay Men Are Feminine And Women Masculine?
Why Do This Gay Stereotype Exist: Gay Men Are Feminine And Women Masculine?
7 Opinion