Are you bothered if your friends or family members date fat girls? Why?

As a plus size girl for most of my life, I'm not at all a stranger to the phenomenon of "cute guy is really attracted to me but afraid of being the guy who is dating a fat girl." I'm not interested in any guys who wouldn't claim me publicly, but I've seen it happen before. I've also noticed how some guys will tease their friends for dating a bigger girl? Never really understood that, as I've never had that experience with my girl friends. I'm not attracted to many of my friends' boyfriends, but I would never be disrespectful and make fun of the way they look or anything for the most part. I can't really fathom caring about what their partners look like, as long as they are treating them well and being good partners.

Would you give your friends shit for dating a plus size girl? Why do you care what your friends' girlfriends look like? Someone please explain to me why a man would care what his friends do with their dicks, in terms of how she looks! lol #confused
Are you bothered if your friends or family members date fat girls? Why?
Are you bothered if your friends or family members date fat girls? Why?
Are you bothered if your friends or family members date fat girls? Why?
Are you bothered if your friends or family members date fat girls? Why?
Are you bothered if your friends or family members date fat girls? Why?Are you bothered if your friends or family members date fat girls? Why?Are you bothered if your friends or family members date fat girls? Why?
❤️✨A post shared by Gabi (@gabifresh) on Feb 23, 2020 at 7:04pm PST

Her boyfriend ^^ (click the first little link - they're so adorable <3)
Are you bothered if your friends or family members date fat girls? Why?
8 Opinion