Why am I never good enough for anyone?

Why would a guy want me when there's girls who are active and healthy and pure gorgeous? I'm sure they do want them if they could have them right? so there's no point for me.. im never gonna be happy with a guy. this is why I dont go outside, the gorgeous girls get stared down by guys who are taken or married and even they flirt with them. I'm starting to think there's nobody for me, my Male friends go for the good looking girls and never even give me a chance. but it's okay, I understand. I hate everyone including myself.
one time a guy that was in our friend group when after my friends and went down the line to me, because my friends rejected him so he made it down the line. So of course I wasn't interested because I was the last option. that was probably the biggest and shittiest way someone has treated me. I am ALWAYS the last option when something fucks up with someone else. I'm not the first person a guy texts in the morning, I'm never good enough. I'm just the ugly sister and daughter. And I am the Designated ugly fat friend in my friend group. Nobody wants that. guys just wanna follow half naked chick's on social media and claim they "love" their girlfriend or wife. Its honestly disgusting.
my mom and sister always get noticed and are always commented on how good they look. me? I get nothing. .. I'm plain Jane. I found one guy who doesn't follow half naked chick's online and isn't creepy. but he's not interested lol of course. I guess it doesn't help i look 14, I'm always asked if I'm of age. so yeah not only that I get the fucking pedophiles. tbh I'm so unattractive. I don't know how I got this ugly. I am almost 24 and haven't experienced true love. and I never will. Guys get giddy around my mom and sister, like they won the lottery. Every man stares and gawks, so why would a man only want me? he will fantasize about other chicks he wished he had. Why would a man want a fat fuck like me when he could have a healthy thin chick?
Why am I never good enough for anyone?
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