Girls, Why should men want to marry women today? ?

This is not to make any women mad though i'm sure some won't read the description and get hostile. This is a legitimate question. I read a lot of "he said she said" here. It's always been my opinion that it's women that tend to want marriage ( not that guys are opposed). But on a site where there are frequently angry people and hyperbole reigns. I hear a lot of guys say that women aren't worth forming a lifelong bond. While i don't agree. I think there are good and bad apples as with anything and as always people with a lot of baggage. But i personally have no desire to get married. Twas not always so. But virtually no woman i talk to views it as a LIFETIME commitment anymore. I'm not singling women out. But understand i'm a guy.
I guess i'm asking am i right? And if not restore my faith in women.
Keep in mind if you just post sometjing combative like "why should we" i'm just going to remove it. Try to be positive or be gone. This question is just for women so you don't have to worry about some guy assassinating your comments. I'll allow anon pinks but use it responsibly please
Girls, Why should men want to marry women today? ?
5 Opinion