Is she interested or what?

Im new to the whole dating world. And recently signed up for tinder. I matched with this girl we talked for a bit and then she gave me her instagram account. After texting for a few days I decided to try to meet so I asked her out. And she sayed she wanted to get to know each other a little better. So I agreed and we continued to text each other for a little over a week about a week and 5 days. I told her I was gonna be in the city (I live about 30 mins out) and was wondering if she would be interested in getting breakfast at one of my favorite places. She replied with "Aw that is so sweet. I'm doing something that day with family I just don't know when. Let me check with them and see what's up."
She never got back to me 🙃. So should I just say screw it and give up. I don't know if she is just being cautious and im just overthinking it or is she not interested?
+1 y
... Where going out know
Is she interested or what?
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