Will the Fed really raise interest rates in March , Why are they lying about raising interest rates ?

It has been reported that 'WE" will all own nothing and be glad about it. So, will Fed crash the markets on purpose? Is this for the reset we hear about?

If things are booming like they say , and I sure don't see it , why not raise interest rates 5% now? Why wait until March?

Why are so many commercial spots still empty and why are so many businesses closing? Why are stores still half empty?

Why are the big boys like Musk (taxes? I doubt it) selling half of their company shares?

Why are IMF and US government cracking down on Bit Coin?

Why are bankruptcies at record highs and mergers at record highs?

Why were 400,000 jobs lost on Payroll report if they say they can't find people for jobs?

Why did we have negative job growth in January?

Why did people file 245,000 first time jobless claims (you will see this tomorrow)?

Why are so many banks closing?

National Debt is now over $30 Trillion.

The people living in poverty rate in US is now 39.1 million.

42.1 million people in US is on Food Stamps

99.9 out of 330 Million Americans are not in labor force. That's 33% not working and they tell us unemployment is 3.5% . No way that is possible.

I don't think FED will raise rates and I think they will actually have to send more stimulus checks out very soon.

I think they say they are going to , to see how markets would react , and we had like 8 straight days of losses in Dow. So, they can't.
Will the Fed really raise interest rates in March , Why are they lying about raising interest rates ?
Will the Fed really raise interest rates in March , Why are they lying about raising interest rates ?
Will the Fed really raise interest rates in March , Why are they lying about raising interest rates ?
No, it will cause dow to crash and Real estate to crash
Yes, they want things to crash to usher in Fed Dollar Crypto currency
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Will the Fed really raise interest rates in March , Why are they lying about raising interest rates ?
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