How do I mentally prepare to be ghosted or dumped?

I might be over reacting. I'm just scared. I've been dating this guy for about 6 months now. He's been studying for this super big test and took it today. He read my message and simply keeps looking at my snapchat stories but he's not talking to me.

I'm afraid that he's going to cheat, replace, or dump me. I've been loyal and tried to put my needs and worries to the side this whole time. We talk a little bit every day with a few messages back and forth but now... I'm scared maybe one of his many female friends caught his interest and he decided to string me along or something.

Please someone reassure me and talk some sense into me... or if you think he's going to dump or ghost me... give me advice to sooth the impending heart ache. I've been so loyal and loving to this man for 6 months. It will devastate me.
How do I mentally prepare to be ghosted or dumped?
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