Do incels actually exist?

nowadays this term gets thrown around a lot. whenever guys who are below average on looks and have history of being unsuccessful with women he will automatically get labeled an incel. but of course if you think about it unattractive folks have existed since the dawn of humanity and the fact that the world is overpopulated right now is a clear indication that even unattractive people had the chance to reproduced. of course you had the chance to reproduce then there was a 99% that someone was attracted to you enough to have sex with. hell I when to high school with a lot of dudes who fit the incel physiques yet they had relationships and lots of girls used to drool over them
Do incels actually exist?
aside from that if there was one thing almost all the incels I've met had in common was a self pitying and miserable attitude. I bet that even a guy who looks like Johnny Depp would be doomed to be repulsing if he had the attitude that incels be packing. in fact before the incel community was shut down on Reddit I remember I lurked there out of curiosity and boy were these guys so damn negative on themselves. I even made the mistake to help out a few of them view life a little more positive just to get nothing but a truckload of downvotes in return. this video right here explains their attitude better...
so all this makes me wonder, do incels actually exist? can their looks really be that bad that is preventing them to find love? or is it just their attitudes that actually make them incels?
yes, its possible for someone to be ugly enough not to date
no, its all in their head and attitude
other (please explain)
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Do incels actually exist?
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