5 girls in a row make it clear they really like me. All turned me down, confused as hell?

Not a guy who chases girls. Just not my thing
Had 5 in a row who've chased me and made it clear they are into me.

Girl 1. Tells me I'm the only person that gets her. Not even her childhood friends do. Repeats how she really wants to talk to me more. All done in person.

2 weeks later sends abusive message. Why would you think I'd talk to you? Next sentence, she still wants to talk to me.
Lists all the reasons why I'm no good.

Turns me down and just goes from guy to guy now as she can't find anyone

Girl 2. Made her too happy. Could spend her life with me.

Now a cat lady and alone

Girl 3. I had everything she'd want in a guy.
Unfriended me and gave a crappy excuse so I blocked her. Won't leave me alone in person. Can't understand I don't want to talk to her. Been a year and won't go away for too long. Series of random guys that last 2 weeks at most.

Girl 4 . Wasn't like the guys she knows. I was a great guy. Follows me around like a love sick puppy for a couple days at a thing we're both at. Her mom even tries to play matchmaker hard.
Turns me down for a lunch date. Gives me abuse for asking her out. Goes around telling people I'm a creep. Meanwhile she's sent me 55+ messages in a couple hours talking to me like we're best friends.

Girl 5. Is flirting with me in person for over a year. Tells me suddenly how she's told her friend she completely loves me.

Turned me down for a date. Chose randoms on Tinder instead. Told her never to talk to me again as clearly was messing with me. Another girl who just won't go away. Actually tried a few times to talk to me in the year that's passed since then.

I don't want to be messed about with.
Don't know what they want aside from attention but they won't get it.

I'd rather be alone than with girl's like that and all that's out there is girls like that. It's just evil
5 girls in a row make it clear they really like me. All turned me down, confused as hell?
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