What’s your age limit when dating?

Whats your minimum and maximum age limit? I’m getting back into online dating and the majority of people on dating apps are likely to be younger but I’m 25 and the idea of dating a 20 year old just doesn’t sit well with me. But I will also get men over 50 wanting to connect and that’s a little beyond my desired scope but feels more natural than dating younger. I’m curious to know how others feel about age gaps.
What’s your age limit when dating?
Rule of 7 (min: half your age plus 7, max: subtract 7 from your age and double it)
10 years older/younger (assuming they are still within legal age limits)
less than 5 years older/younger
same age
other ~ pls comment
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
Thanks for all your contributions, it’s understandable everyone has preferences and of course there is no right or wrong answer. I love to learn about others insights on topics like these. I’ve also tried to like everyone’s reply because I appreciate your input.
What’s your age limit when dating?
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