Is the "West Elm Caleb" situation essentially the female version of incel behavior?

Juggling casual dates and ghosting is something women do and have a right to do as well.

If a guy rants online about how a lady ghosted him, we rightfully tell him to stop being insecure and understand you're not going to click with everyone.

If a woman is talking to or going on dates with multiple guys before actually committing to a relationship, that's fine. No one's entitled to you.

The guy seemed like a dick for lying about his app usage and hiding that he's talking to other people, but if a woman is an asshole to a guy we say "well good now you know that's not the girl for you" in this case it warrants death threats, companies to meme on him for ads, sponsoring the women making the tik toks, and spamming his employer to get him fired?

If you reverse the genders in this situation, it's toxic incel behavior in my opinion.
Is the "West Elm Caleb" situation essentially the female version of incel behavior?
1 Opinion