Isn't comparing short guys to fat girls in dating scene an invalid argument?

I have seen that a lot of women prefer a guy to 6ft tall. And the women who support these arguments say that men also don't go with fat girls so it's the same. But actually it's not.

Let me explain you.
Being short is given by birth and it's an uncontrollable factor. Short guys should rather be compared with short girls. When you compare short guy with fat girls it's totally a different metrics.

Meanwhile being fat is mostly because of choice and I do agree some people have it hard for losing weight or gaining weight but it's at least controllable.

I believe fat girls should rather be compared with fat guys.

I think that height preference is the most shallow thing on this planet. It's like basically a stereotype that short guys are not masculine. And people justify this by comparing to fat girls. This argument is not even valid.

If a girl wants to be attractive she can just lose weight and boom! She is attractive.

Meanwhile a short guy is completely doomed no matter what. Even if he goes to gym and becomes like the most athletic guy, he'll still be unattractive because he is still short.

Society has made short guys inferior. And don't give the BS argument that we can't control who we are attracted to. It's shallow af to judge someone on their height.
Isn't comparing short guys to fat girls in dating scene an invalid argument?
14 Opinion