Finish the sentence: I would end the first date immediately if they did/said ______?

What are some things said/did that would make you end the date immediately?
Do you have any stories where you ended the date immediately?
Do you have any stories where you ended the date immediately?
My answer: I would end the first date immediately if they:
1. Were overly touchy without consent or warning.
2. Were disrespectful or degrading to me or others.
3. Mentions getting married/having children together immediately OR mentions not wanting anything serious (only waning hookup/friends with benefits).
4. Said they were into some creepy bizarre fetish (like, being into poop or whatever…)

These are things that would make me uncomfortable or make us incompatible, and they are things that would make me want to end the date immediately. These are things that are a big “NO” for me, and I wouldn't feel comfortable talking again or going on another date.
Finish the sentence: I would end the first date immediately if they did/said ______?
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