Do you seduce with your cooking?

I love inviting a date home and cooking a meal for her. It’s so seductive. Kitchen skills are handy and can impress a special someone. And in the worst case I still had fun in the kitchen and had a good meal!

But it also works on me, 100%. If you invite me and show off your culinary prowess I will fall for it. I love someone who is passionate about cooking, and it’s always a great way to tingle your senses. And maybe learn a new dish!

Now that I think of it, a great restaurant dinner is also great in a similar way. Food and attraction are closely linked. It’s not the same magic as a home meal, but it’s a close second!

I’m a brilliant chef, and my skills help me with dates.
Sometimes I do, but not that often
I can cook, but not for a date
I’m not that great in the kitchen…
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Do you seduce with your cooking?
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