Do I have a face of a guy?


Im just so confused I think I heard my two grandmas say this yesterday right in front of me and then pretended to be talking about my parrot. But I’m confused because I really don’t see it. I have heard this all my life though (since I was 12) People are assholes. I’m just asking because it’s the only way I could feel relieved. I’m also anon because I don’t want this to be on my public profile I do not like these pictures.

Do I have a face of a guy?
Do I have a face of a guy?
Do I have a face of a guy?

Even my little cousin said “you look like a boy just like your boyfriend” so I think that her parents have been talking about that too in front of her. My aunt (her mother) in the past, has asked my parents about me saying “oh why does she kind of resemble a man?” I don’t know I’ve just been hearing it for a long time so I’m very confused because I don’t see it and my boyfriend doesn’t see it. Also may I add that my own brother (13 years) thought I was trans because he had a dream about it and he was not leaving me alone lol. Im very shy I’ve never been a confident person and I never bring people down. My family needs to do better. I’m trying to think of it as if they never said that just to forget about it. In highschool too everyone that liked me was teased for being gay. Like come on I really don’t see it 😂 I’m so confused 😭 like if I’m pretty to my family like they say, how is it that I have the face of a man at the same time? Like wutt?

Do I have a face of a guy?
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