Is it ever to late to try to talk to a girl I’m really attracted to?

There is a girl I was attracted to a lot for a year now, but I’ve been dealing with a lot in life and getting my stuff together, but it’s been a year and I feel like I’m in a better spot in life now. I don’t know if all girls have a time table when it comes to them giving guys signals and the guy not making a move. She gave me a lot of signs to the point where I had to talk but I never did cause I didn’t feel ready.

A year later, she still single, but I don't know if mentally she moved on or it’s too later for her to give it a chance.

do girls move on completely? She’s single I just took a year to you want to pursue due to life issues.

Is it ever to late to try to talk to a girl I’m really attracted to?
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