Do I propose a long-distance relationship or let it be?


So this question has a bit of context and backstory I need to go into. I've been abroad in Rome since August for school, and in two weeks I have to head back home to the States.

When everyone arrived here, pretty much everyone in my program signed up for some kind of dating app in the hopes of meeting a local, or at least having a hookup. I just changed my hinge location and updated my photos and let it be, but on there I met Tom (fake name obviously).

Tom has been an incredible person since we met. On our first date we talked for about six hours, annoying the waitstaff at the restaurant since we kept forgetting to look at the menu, and when the restaurant closed (three hours after we sat down), we crossed the street and continued to talk for like 2-3 hours. We didn't kiss, we didn't hook up, he simply gave me a hug, a kiss on the cheek and went home. And it was refreshing honestly.

I went on several dates with him since, and our relationship grew intimate pretty quickly. He's spoken to me about his childhood, his family, his stress with school. I stay at his apartment about once a week now. He's incredibly affectionate, has been insanely respectful, and is genuinely the type of person I'd see myself dating regularly.

About two weeks back he asked if I wanted to go on a trip with him to Bologna. I said yes, and that's set up for next weekend. I'm at the point where I trust him and don't fear for my safety around him (and either way since he's met me I have gotten a piercing and a tattoo so I'm doubtful to be sex trafficked).

The question is, do I approach him about the potential of becoming exclusive. I feel all signs have pointed towards him being interested in something more than casual, and my friends agree. But I have no idea how to go about these sorts of things. I do plan on finding my way back to Europe since I enjoyed living here far more than back home, but that's not definite. He's lived in my state under similar circumstances to me before.


Do I propose a long-distance relationship or let it be?
4 Opinion