Is men's enrollment in higher education declining as men are expected to earn money to get dates?


Leaning and getting proper degrees can pay higher on average with more social status than doing blue-collar jobs. I am not against any of those jobs, they do earn everything with hard work.

However, more girls are getting into higher education and related jobs than men.

But when in terms of dating men are still expected to pay for most of it, so women can date students but most women don't wanna date guys who are broke students.

Men who start earning early get a solid head start. As men with money put them in a higher position than other guys.

However, with age as men who started with education longer start to earn, women with similar backgrounds now want to date them not the blue-collar guy. This shifts the power.

This is one of the cases with women who call themselves "independent" who are actually good on paper but can't find a good match as guys can't handle them. Blue-collar guys can get intimidated by them in fear of leaving them for the better.

Is men's enrollment in higher education declining as men are expected to earn money to get dates?
4 Opinion