Why are women so dismissive when it comes to actual dating?


Any problems I have in dating I automatically try to see what I'm doing wrong and try to improve but it's like my efforts never bear anything worthwhile. I feel like women write me off before even getting a chance to know me. My phone is a just a block of ignored texts, it's very difficult to get a date. Usually I'll meet an attractive woman and we'll have some banter, maybe a laugh or two and afterwards I'll get their number to meet up for a date. I'll usually text them within 24 hours and say something along the lines of "Hey [name], great meeting you. Would love to grab a drink with you next week. What's your schedule like?" and then it's radio silence. After no response for more than a day because I figure she wasn't interested I delete their number and move on. It happens so much that I replay every part of the interaction in my head to see if I did or said something wrong. Sometimes I can get nervous talking to women I'm interested in but I don't think my nerves dictate my behavior so much that it's a turn-off. To start I'm not rude or crass, my interactions with attractive women are playful and fun at best and friendly at it's worst. I'm not an Adonis but I think I'm physically attractive, I'm often told I'm very athletic or muscular and that I have good style. Despite this women aren't interested in me. I feel different from the typical man (especially internally) I hear a lot of women describe or complain about but it's like they couldn't care less and they just rather complain. I think a lot of these women would be very interested if we went on a date but getting a date is like pulling teeth while it for everyone else it seems fun and effortless. I'm at my wit's end. I've planned a trip to Europe for a couple months to see if things are any better in terms of dating cause I want to be in a relationship who values me as much as I value them. I'm tired of being told I'm the problem when I literally work on myself everyday.

9 mo
I was feeling really low so I impulsively posted this and didn't put much thought into it. Thanks for the answers, I think some were onto something, others just dismissively overly simplifying and some just seemed like trolls.
Why are women so dismissive when it comes to actual dating?
23 Opinion