My partner wants kid and I don’t. Are we endgame?

We have gone to couples therapy they advised us we are not the people we would be to make that decision in 10 years. They recommended we talk about it

We have a hard chat I offered to break up as I don’t think I will ever change my mind on kids. My partner he even hard agreed to take on the risk of it.

I asked are you sure a lot and he has conversations about it. We bought a house, he encouraged us 10 years earlier than I wanted a house. And I prompted Marriage because I don’t want a house unless we are engaged and married within a 2 year period we was aware prior to prompting a house

Are we hopeless? We are inseparable first parent meeting, first serious relationship, first move in for partner, first in a lot of avenues

We have been waiting for each other for a while the only hiccup is kids. He says he can find avenues if I say no. He wants kids but doesn’t wanna lose me

We are fighters and family oriented

Are we hopeless?
My partner wants kid and I don’t. Are we endgame?
10 Opinion