What is the appropriate reaction to this shady situation?

What is the appropriate reaction to this seemingly shady situation. I am dating a guy, who I’ve only been seeing briefly. However I’ve known him over a year. We (I thought) fell pretty hard, pretty fast for each other. He has two children, one of whom is under 3. So as I’m at work he texts me at about 5pm. He says he’s going to go see his child. Great. I tried to reach him throughout the evening to let him know I wouldn’t be seeing him and that I’m tired and I wanted to go home, I got no response. Finally at about 9pm he says he’ll call me when he leaves, he hasn’t been answering bc his child had his phone. I said “ok”. But felt frustrated inside. At midnight, I still didn’t receive a call, I said “wow” and left it at that. 12pm today I began feeling worried like maybe something happened and said “are you ok, wtf”. He finally called me. And said “sorry about last night I was with my child till 2am”. At this point I feel betrayed, am I overreacting to cut this off, I just am so hurt.
What is the appropriate reaction to this shady situation?
Post Opinion