Why is it easier for guys to get female attention than for women to get male attention in the younger generation?


I don’t think this applies to older generations but I’m a 19 year old freshman in college and even since high school i’ve noticed how easy it is for a decent guy who dresses decently to get a girlfriend. Guys don’t even have to be attractive honestly all they need is non skinny jeans and an ok haircut and they can take their pick. Any guy who even mildly caters to female interests like listening to female artist or paints their nails is immediately flooded with dms and surrounded by girls. It’s insane they don’t even have to approach I know so many pretty girls who have to approach themselves to get any attention. 9-10-10 girls my age can still have types for short men, genuinely nerdy men, unconventionally attractive, and shy men. On the other hand 9-10/10 guys still go for 10/10 face, big boobed, tiny waisted, girls with huge butts.

This isn’t to say ugly men don’t have it hard but they could easy stop being ugly by dressing well and being semi social then women will just overlook their face and like them anyway. But as a woman if you are not at least average in the face you are getting absolutely ignored and treated like garbage mocked by men. Men always complain about getting rejected as if women haven't had to start approaching to compensate for their lack of attempts and been rejected the same amount. I’m attractive and i’ve always approached men first that’s how i’ve gotten all my boyfriends but i’ve also been rejected loads of times and kept going anyway. Do you feel there’s been a shift in younger generations like gen z (my generation) where men in some ways have a much easier time getting noticed than girls?

Why is it easier for guys to get female attention than for women to get male attention in the younger generation?
24 Opinion