What matters the most in a woman?


This is what I find matters the most in a woman as a White man:

1. Looks (She must be your type physically, attractive face and for body minimum to be in shape body and decent height 5'4 to 5'9. She doesn't need big boobs or a nice ass or curvy body so long as she has a pretty face and is in shape.

2. Personality. She must be someone you genuinely like in terms of personality/soul, someone you are compatible with and have a connection with. Things that are also with personality are religion, morals, values, world views/political views and intelligence. Loyalty is also in this category.

3. Purity and Worth (Not have been with previously or find a particular race or person that I view as inferior, ugly and gross as attractive)

4. No mental illness

Number 1 gets your foot in the door, number 3 is a must or else it's a dealbreaker, number 2 ensures relationship quality and whether the relationships lasts at all and number 4 can be a dealbreaker depending on the type of illness and it's severity.

4 mo
I forgot a big one
Number 5: no STD that can seriously damage your health and life.
4 mo
''update'' for live feed exposure.
3 mo
''update'' for live feed exposure
What matters the most in a woman?
2 Opinion