Single Guys, do you ever think that women in your mind are better than women in real life and that all you're doing is chasing a fantasy?

Single Guys, do you ever think that women in your mind are better than women in real life and that all youre doing is chasing a fantasy?

I think a lot of us modern men under 40 become disillusioned with women, and frankly, get fed up with their stupid sh*t, nagging, and selfishness. In our teens and twenties, we often imagine women being kind, supporting, sweet, always there and by your side, pure bliss in the bedroom, and sticking by you, no matter what.

But by the time you reach your thirties, or maybe even before that, you come to the realization that women are just people, and most people are assholes who only care about themselves and will quickly throw you under the bus to save their own asses. But unlike men, women are never held accountable for anything, so get to continue being selfish assholes without consequence.

This is why even in 2022, a man is only seen as being as valuable as his resources. It's never about personality. Aside from cockiness and ego, that is; literally the only "personality trait" that matters with (most) women. Aside from that, you're only as good to a woman as what material possessions you can provide to her.

This isn't to say I hate women. I hate humanity in general! Men and women equally! But do any of you other men ever come to the realization that what you always thought of women, relationships, love, female companionship, etc, to be, was actually just an illusion and that in reality, most women are just a giant pain in the ass and occasional sexual release every now and then? Essentially, love isn't real.

I dunno; I just kinda need to vent today. People suck and I'm fed up pretending like they don't.

Yes, what we imagine women being in our minds, tends to be better than actual women and relationships.
No, I prefer real women and all their drama and selfishness over the imaginary ideal women we think of in our heads.
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74% is a hell of a lot more than I thought I'd see. I thought I'd be 40-60.
Single Guys, do you ever think that women in your mind are better than women in real life and that all you're doing is chasing a fantasy?
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