What do you think would the female version of Andrew Tate tell women?


What would Andrea Etat (Tate in reverse) tell women? If Andrew Tate speaks systematically about life success, women and money, then Andrea Etat would speak too about life success, money and men.

example (1)

Andrew: "BUT YOU LOOK LIKE A GEEK! Are you gonna go to a girl and cite pi? That's the worst strategy i've ever seen"

Andrea: "BUT YOU LOOK LIKE A SINGLE MOM! What are you thinking, going up to a guy and impress him with a kid?"

example (2)

Andrew: "The average guy is a bloody loser, that spends his money on only fans. Do you want to be like him?"

Andrea: "The average girl is lazy, sits at home and scrolls through instagram, expecting a boyfriend to show up at her door or something. Do you want to be like her?"

example (3)

Andrew: "If you message 100 girls and you got no replies, think again. They saw your message. They didn't reply because you are not interesting. This tells a lot about who you are"

Andrea: "If you think you are so special to men, think again. When you message only the top 10% of men, who are successful, confident, handsome, travel often, have a big influence and networking, then do expect, that plenty of Ms. Average girls just like you are after him too, expecting him to commit to that one girl out of 100. It's ironic that I have to say this. Guess who said that originally? Men."

example (4)

Andrew: "Women wouldn't look twice at the average guy working at starbucks. The average guy working at starbucks is invisible, lonely and depressed from it"

Andrea: "Men can't hear your compliments if you are not attractive to them. The average girl has a long way to perfection and unless she is 9/10 most men at best only want s e x"

What do you think would the female version of Andrew Tate tell women?
What do you think would the female version of Andrew Tate tell women?
What do you think would the female version of Andrew Tate tell women?
4 Opinion