So what would you do?

So I have this thing that can occasionally happen to me if I get to hot in a shower or something I can pass out. It doesn't happen a lot probably 10 times in 23 years of life.

So I tend to forget that it's something that happens to me so I forgot to mention it to my fiance who seen me stumble out of the bathroom and pass out on the floor it typically only lasts a few seconds before I open my eyes again but I'll need to drop my body temperature so I'll typically stay on the floor to cool off and for my vision to straighten out again.

Needless to say my fiance was freaking out and trying to call people.. and franticly questioning why I didn't tell him this.

My question is how would you feel if your significant other was prone to passing out

So what would you do?
So what would you do?
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