I’m already in good shape. Slim, tall.
- 1 y
I say get the abs, because it's not going to hurt now, is it?
I want you to pay attention to the underlying REAL reason people say nay though... they don't like the idea of a healthy diet and working out. They avoid work/sacrifice. THEY, are going to be the same people who say they don't have time to work out, but they spend hours of their day in front of a screen for leisure... laughable.
Just don't develop some sort of body dysmorphia where you won't go and enjoy a nice dinner out on a date or something.
While I'll agree that you should work on other things to get the chicks, again, having the abs isn't going to hurt your chances now are they?
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 y
Understanding balance when working out is key. Though you may see many lifting super heavy weights, lifting lower weights is the way to go. It may seem crazy easy but over high rep time your muscles will start to strain finding it heavier. But make sure to work on all of your muscles groups, not just your arms and abs. 5lbs for toning, 25lbs for bulk. Focus more on 5lbs. more than bulk. You will need to look at you diet too. Carbo-loading is for when you have low fat and high metabolism, not when starting out. Focus on fruit, protein, and vegetables. Fish and nuts preferred due to healthy fats, red meat 1 a week, cut out junk food and high starches
00 Reply
- 1 y
Yes, that's often better than being fat and it's attractive
00 Reply
- 1 y
Probably not worth it as long as you’re already slim
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 y
If you can't get what you want without them you won't' get what you want with them.
30 Reply - 1 y
i mean getting "abs" is not even necessary. getting fit is worth it by itself already. if you can get abs, that surely won't hurt tho.
10 Reply - 1 y
I’ll tell you this man, girls love muscle. Not to be confused with being absolutely massive.
Girls like a man that clearly works out, has some muscle mass and good definition10 Reply I'm 5'5" with a shitty personality my twin brother is the same. Our 6'0" brother 3% body fat never ate shit food couldn't understand why we got more chick's. Chick's eaten shit food and your a boring cunt.
00 Reply- 1 y
It does make you feel confident about yourself for sure. Ignore the body positivity trolls. Abs are attractive.
09 Reply- 1 y
Thats subjective. Theyre not attractive to me
- 1 y
I have a strong belief that most attractive girls like abs. Most women that are obese themselves or chunky prefer men that are bigger than themselves, therefore... dad bods. Also... women tend to associate "fuckboy" traits to abs, which is another reason why they say they don't find it attractive.
- 1 y
So you just proved my point. Its subjective😂
- 1 y
I never said it wasn't. I was just implying which types of people tend to say they're not attracted to it.
- 1 y
Then I could easily say theyre not attractive objectively like you you phrased it. And this also proved how men only consider hot girls when you talk about anything. Anything else is invisible to you guys.
- 1 y
Didn't we just conclude that physical attraction is subjective and obese people tend to be attracted to obese people? In that case men do not ONLY consider "fit" girls when we talk about anything.
But realistically, shouldn't it be normal that people are attracted to others that are fit and maintain their body appearance rather than laze around, watch Netflix and eat whatever they want? - 1 y
I just don't understand why women feel victimized that men are into physically fit women. All you have to do is workout. It's not that hard when you get into the rhythm of things and the benefits to your life are immeasurable. You have better confidence in your body, you'll likely live longer and be able to do more physically. You literally have a better standard of life. If I had a choice of being with a woman with an hourglass figure and an obese woman with the same personality, I would always choose the hourglass figure, because she cares about her health and appearance and that correlates to the life I'll be able to live with her. Hiking, kayaking, swimming, playing sports with family and friends and just overall being active.
It doesn't mean that we don't take into account personality. We all take into account personality. If a girl isn't nice and doesn't have any chemistry with us (similar interests, views, sense of humor, goals, way of communicating, etc.) then we won't be attracted to her no matter how physically attractive she is. She might be a girl that some men would want to sleep with but not the type to stay with. - 1 y
You totally missed the point of what I was saying, just as I expected. And just as expected, you know nothing about women’s bodies. An hourglass shape is genetics, not fitness. You can be the fittest person in the world and not have an hourglass figure. In fact, most female athletes are not hourglass shaped. Theyre typically rectangular or inverted triangle. Think of gymnasts.
- 1 y
I agree... and I think HotLentilzzz changing the subject and dragging you into arguments just hates what you said because she's fat. Even her profile aviator is fat. 😂 🤣
No true Scotsman argument fallacy from the start and then nothing but rhetoric about semantics... I smell fat person. All that argumentation is never going to cock block the fact that overall, in general, you are correct. "This one thing isn't like that, so therefore" isn't going to persuade me. Yes, this one fat chick doesn't like abs, should the rest of us drop the idea to suit the desires of this one outlier? No, she's fat anyways and I don't think we're trying to bag her. "Oh but some guys love fat chicks." I don't know, and it's the same argument strategy. In general/overall I am (we are) still correct.
Her not finding abs attractive is subjective in and of itself. Arguments dismissed.
1.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. worth it if u will do it for urself not for others
20 Reply- 1 y
You don’t need to, if you think you’re unattractive wear more attractive clothing. I’m always wearing sweats and tank tops at the gym. I get a lot of “ BIG BOOTY CUTIES glance at me
00 Reply - 1 y
If you can't grate cheese on your abs are you really livin?
00 Reply - 1 y
you should do it for yourself. screw being attractive that is just a bonus.
00 Reply - 1 y
No girls really just want a guy that’s in shape, trying to have a six pack is over doing it a bit.
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
If abs makes the difference in whether she's interested or not, you're better off without her man. Trust me!
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
Sure if you can, it’s a lot of work though but looks good to most women
00 Reply - 1 y
If you want to do it, do it for yourself.
20 Reply abs are superb definitely do it.
00 Reply- 1 y
It all depends on if you want them or not.
00 Reply - 1 y
Only if you're willing to maintain them.
10 Reply - 1 y
If you want to
00 Reply 1K opinions shared on Dating topic. I'd love them too. But it's a ton of work.
00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)1 y
What makes you think abs are attractive?
01 Reply If u wanna sacrifice the food 🤣
00 Reply- 1 y
00 Reply Only money is worthy
00 Reply
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