- Anonymous(18-24)2 mo
Yes. I first met my husband in the church hall after mass. I was 14 and never had any intrest in men before that day. We were introduced and I shook his hand and looking at this charming tall handsome attractive man and the tactile contact with his hand I instantly felt a quiver, like my knees were weak and I could barely speak, I wouldn't say I orgasmed but it was like that intense feeling just before you do, i was soaking, i could feel it dripping down my leg. When I got home i had to change my underwear and that night I had the most vivid wet dream& my bed was soaked.
We would talk and be friendly whenever we met out and about and different things but I didn't think he liked me because I'm so short and he was so much older than me. I found out he liked me when I met him at the local leisure centre at the health suite after swimming. I was in a one piece swimsuit, nothing too risqué but I caught him sneaking a peek as I walked by, he was in a pair of swim shorts and so while talking outside the steam room I glanced down and he had the biggest erection. I was shocked and embarrassed, i said nothing and just blushed, he left embarrassed. We discussed it a few days later at church and he apologised explaining he didn't know what happened. I told him I knew exactly what happened and that he'd nothing to be sorry about and that maybe he should take me out some time, gave him a kiss on the cheek. He did and we married when I turned 16, by 17 we were parents. We are very happy together.
10 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
Depends the match. Chemistry is either there or not. If not it's all effort and trust.
11 Reply- Opinion Owner1 mo
Thank you for the mho
1.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. Men know right away if they have feelings for a woman they have met, assuming they have had at least a bit of significant interaction (a 10-15 minute conversation, or maybe observing her interacting with other people for a while). BUT they tend to remain skeptical during the subsequent vetting process, and don't just jump in based solely on their feelings - even though it would be nice if they could. Every guy who has ever done so has been burned, so we keep our feelings mostly in check as we vet the woman. Many times, she disqualifies herself very early in the vetting process and he just walks away. Those who get farther along will get asked out, though this is still part of the vetting process.
It's rare today - but does still sometimes happen - that a woman passes the vetting process and then the guy feels more comfortable sharing his feelings. This may make it seem that it takes men longer to feel things, but that's not the case - most of us are just more disciplined with our feelings and work to protect ourselves. We prioritize our peace and safety over our feelings. Of course, there are exceptions, but we see those men crash and burn badly, and it reinforces our vetting process.10 Reply
- 2 mo
Studies show that men tend to fall in love faster than women on average and say I love you weeks before women even think about it. These are just my assumptions, but that is likely partially due to the amount of attention that women get from men and the amount of men that say I love you without necessarily meaning it, which can put many women on guard.
You know the saying...
"Men fall in love with looks, that's why women wear make up. Women fall in love with words, that's why men lie."
There are no conclusive studies that say whether men or women get over past loves faster.
52 Reply- 2 mo
Interesting thanks for sharing. Do you know the study. I was actually looking for it like a nerd but couldn't find it. It is interesting.
What Girls & Guys Said
1.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. I still think that's true, yeah. Women are more likely to become infatuated with someone over cutesy "feelings," as they will also think they're in love with guys they know very well are not good for them.
The dudes who fall in love quick are mostly the newer generation of guys because they're happy to meet a woman they really like or are attracted to, especially in an age where these men feel unappreciated by women - which is what women want them to feel by the way.
10 Reply- 2 mo
Depends on the man or woman. I actually take a pretty long time to actually fall in love with people.
31 Reply 22.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. I have always been under the impression that it is the opposite, however, I might be wrong.
30 Reply- 1 mo
I hate to generalize, but we guys can fall for a girl immediately, sometimes even before we see her. 😉
10 Reply 2.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. I think it’s equivalent, just depends on the person and what they are after to begin with
10 Reply- 2 mo
Definitely. I never really had sensual urges at a younger age like other men, however I did end up wanting to experience sensual things and can say that there are women out there who have always been able to wrap me around their finger. Sadly others believe that this is infatuation and I believe they're disrespecting the personal values of others when they do that, clearly just causing problems for the younger generation being that they should make their mistakes and learn the hard way, not be deprived any chance of love at all and be unhappy until they die and never exist again as our last generation has done to us. Today, I can genuinely build a loving relationship with others, relationships that don't have to be sensual, and when I can no longer see that person I end up feeling like I lost a family member. This is something I control now more than I did in my 20's. Sadly, the women I wish I could "connect" with and "build" a relationship with are all single mothers in their 30's that have pets and can never have relationships anymore because they can't simply respect basic needs of a man, like feeling appreciated, being at peace, etc. or worse the 30 year old female is still making choices off their emotions alone and just bringing everyone down around them because of their relationship choices.
10 Reply - 1 mo
From what I've learned... women have an oxytocin-like response, they fall in and out of love quickly. And men have a vasopressin response which takes a long time to earn their true love, but once it's there... it's much harder for a man to just drop like a woman can drop a man. ... don't take anything I'm saying here seriously because I don't have a medical degree and I'm not sure I agree... like I've said, it's what I've learned on this topic online.
Anyway... my true opinion is that male or female, it has more to do with their mental state or readiness for love... as well as relationships.
10 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
It's true in my case. I can't speak for all guys. But based on MY experience I'd agree with that.
It's been my experience that most women are very frivolous and flighty with thier feelings. They want it all and they want it quickly. And if they don't get then they shut you out co. pletely and move on. This is why so many guys learn to just pretend to have feelings for a woman. It's like keeping an account open with her till you're ready to access it. I'm not saying this is right but it's the way a lot of guys have to do it. Especially guys with not a lot of options.
10 Reply - 1 mo
What is true, in my eyes, is that we constantly want to find an ordered structure in this world, because it looks comforting this way. Pursuing this need for structure at all costs? Letting this need replacing reality with our views about reality? I believe this has to end in a lethal disconnection between people. Because then we don't see people anymore, we just see our views.
Please abandon your need for comfort. In moderation though.
10 Reply 1.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. I don't think so.
For a start we know immediately how hard you get us. That is most important. The core attributes are fairly verifiable. I have it down to is she genuinely nice & caring?
On the other side, women seem to have 5 foolscap pages of closely written requirements and can fall out of love if you wear a black belt with brown shoes. At least that is the messaging.10 Reply359 opinions shared on Dating topic. It depends. Personally I experienced that some woman can fall head over heels for me and everytime that happens I get the feeling I wanne to run away as fast as I can. So ai guess from my own experience woman do tend to fall in love faster.
But maybe I'm scared to fall in love to quickly that's alo a possibility10 Reply- 1 mo
Nah, I think men tend to love faster.. As it doesn't take much for a man to love a woman.. Especially if he finds her very attractive in some type of way.. I mean many men are already ready to give up their money just to be with a woman.. Some women can fall easy to but it's much more particular..
10 Reply - 2 mo
Is there any data to answer your question? If not this is all hearsay. I have no idea. I've seen times where some men easily fall in love and vice versa and that is anecdotal observation which doesn't conclude a damn thing lol. I'd say if I had to guess it's pretty close.
10 Reply - 2 mo
at first, i wanted to answer quickly, cause it seems common sense but i fact checked and my initial thought was right anyway. men do fall quicker than women. that's a fact. it's not really a contested theory in social science. and i would say the obvious reason for that is the different procreation mechanics that apply to men and women but i'm too lazy to scientifically back that claim. it's probably true.
10 Reply - 1 mo
In the USA we have been used, objectified, and abused mentally, emotionally, & financially on a regular by women who only see us as a way to live a pampered life, while she abuses us with her insecurities and thinks her presence is all she needs to bring to the relationship.
Of course it takes us a while, we don't get treated like people. Hell, it's why we are more attracted to women in stories/animation, they actually treat men as people and not some means to an end.10 Reply - 1 mo
I don't think so... many men are rather reserved and do not always express their feelings in real time...
20 Reply - 1 mo
No it's person to person. Men expressing emotion is frowned upon, even by women you date until some internal clock on their part seems to make it no longer be an ick. So men are cautious not necessarily different
10 Reply - 1 mo
Nope. When I was young, single and debonaire (hard to believe now, but I was), I had the opposite problem: I could fall for a girl much too easily. It took getting burned a number of times for me to learn the lesson!
10 Reply - 2 mo
No, men know who and what they want. Majority of women are desperate airheads who fall for anything with two legs and a pulse
11 Reply- 2 mo
I gave you a thumbs up, because in this case, I see your point. There are guys I wouldn’t go near in a million years and there are really hot women who chase them relentlessly for relationships. I don’t know if most women are airheads, as I don’t mix with women outside my autistic group, except with the one I met at church. My guess is, some are, others aren’t. The same as men.
3.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. For me it's in reverse. Pretty sure i'll die alone.
12 ReplyI believe it's the opposite, a lot of men also confused Lust with Love just because of the beauty of a women..
10 Reply2K opinions shared on Dating topic. No. It's not about man or woman, but some personalities take longer to "crack" with love.
10 Reply306 opinions shared on Dating topic. False! Men fall in love first not women. I have never heard women saying that, "I am in love with this guy". Women never fall in love. Women first evaluate men then they decide to fall in love, which is technically not love.
10 Reply- 10 Reply
If that’s the case, I’ve never experienced that. Men are always telling me they love me within 2 weeks. I wish they’d slow down
10 Reply13.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. That hasn't been my experience with men.
20 Reply- 2 mo
Yes. They don't usually get married for love either.
10 Reply - 2 mo
No, we are stupid and fall in love way quicker
10 Reply - 2 mo
Women take longer because it takes them time to realize that they don't have as many actual viable options as they believe.
10 Reply - 2 mo
Infatuation is easy for anyone.
Real love is subjective and more so down to how trusting and willing to be vulnerable individuals are.10 Reply 1.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. Reverse. Men are simple logical. It's women that don't know what they want.
10 Reply901 opinions shared on Dating topic. They usually “Say, I Love You” but they don’t
20 Reply- 2 mo
Some men do but me nah it takes me time I might like you but love takes time
10 Reply - 2 mo
I've never fallen in love, but infatuation I think on average comes more quickly to men.
10 Reply no wayre-state//background_color_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0), font_color_rgb (77, 77, 77), justifyLeft
10 Reply- 2 mo
Does getting boy-eyed when you see a buxom babe count as love or lust?
10 Reply - 1 mo
No, it isn't. Not for those with rational thought processes.
10 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 mo
Nope. If you're sweet and nice to them, they fall in love in 5 seconds.
10 Reply - 2 mo
No idea dear i am still single..
30 Reply 499 opinions shared on Dating topic. Love is not falling. It is a decision.
10 Reply- 2 mo
Its depend on individuals not gender
10 Reply 4.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. It comes down to the person. Not the gender
10 Reply- 2 mo
No. Not at all. We know right away.
10 Reply Sometimes it just happens
10 Reply- 1 mo
I fall in love too fast...
10 Reply - 2 mo
It’s not true men = women
10 Reply - 2 mo
LMAO. The reverse is true
10 Reply 334 opinions shared on Dating topic. Nope.
10 ReplyYes it's true
10 Reply- 2 mo
10 Reply - 2 mo
It’s reverse…
10 Reply - 2 mo
I don't think so
10 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)2 mo
mmh yeah
20 Reply 4.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. Nope.
10 Reply
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