2.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. It’s possible but not always the case , some people just prefer to stay single and not deal with the foundations of a relationship, they like having their freedom to do what they want and not have to answer to anyone. Or some people aren’t capable of finding a relationship , they don’t have the ability to get someone to fall for them , they can be anti social and choose to be alone. Or they are just plain out ugly and have low self esteem about themselves because no one finds them attractive and no one gives them any attention. So to be in a relationship with someone there are a lot of factors that come into play but overall it comes down to 2 people that choose each other that are attracted to each other. Relationships don’t just happen , it takes 2 to tango and 2 people choosing each other. Me personally is single by choice because I had my fair share of failed relationships to the point I no longer rush into a relationship with any girl , especially these days. I prefer her and I to be FWB’s with some strings attached before we even consider committing to each other 100 percent because sadly to say most people in general are selfish people that only really care about themselves and do not know how to give the same way they want to receive. Most people are just infatuated with each other when they first meet but once that infatuation period fades away , usually one of them is left with a broken heart because they thought the other person loved them the same way they loved them and sadly that isn’t always the case , FWB’s with some strings attached kind of eliminates that from happening , if you both are on the same page with things , it gives the both of you time to really get to know each other without have all the strings of a committed relationship does. Most people do not want to be tied down to someone that they don’t really know to much about. FWB’s with some strings attached gives the both of you time to really get to know each other. It seems to be working for me because I am in no rush to be tied down to a girl again until we really get to know each other.
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Most Helpful Opinions
- Anonymous(30-35)12 d
Being rejected is one thing, every guy goes through it, some more and longer then others. But it's really this self of entitlement. I hope any girl or woman who reads this post understands. This isn't a rant, this isn't hate this is just calling it out for what it is. I just feel like feminism and this feeling of superiority has made females look at all guys and men in a different light.
She expects perfection when a lot of females today could be broken, damaged, immature, negligent, rude, superficial, materialistic, has no moral/religious values. Are women allowed to pick and choose who to be with? Yes. But it astounds me that women and girls say I want a tall man, who's hot, who's muscular and few months or few years later, divorced. The question is why? Are you picking just based on desires for flings and that's it? Seems like it. The immaturity and exceedingly high expectations and lack of compromising. It becomes a pattern -- disappointment after disappointment and this is why people don't trust each other, this is why even guys today are like f-it its not worth it to pursue, women and girls complain guys don't have any balls between their legs to approach them but meanwhile on social media and even on GAG I read a lot of responses and posts from females who are strongly against guys or men pursuing them.
Sure, I would say more then half of women have encountered a bad experience with a man or guy that has tainted her view of males. But to the women and girls reading this, y'all think every woman or girl is innocent? I've seen women fight amongst each other over such trivial things, how can a guy handle that if all he wants is peace for the most part (unless he's a douche playboy or a mooch). There are plenty of males with broken hearts - cheated on, manipulated, black mailed, abused by women or girls shouldn't those guys have the right to be stand offish towards y'all as well. Males are also humans, we have feelings. If any girl or woman reads this thinking, F-your feelings, well, that goes to show some guy hurt you in the past, or your father hurt you and that's why you feel this way.
Thing is women and girls enjoy this western system of encouraging disobedience, encouraging divorce, encouraging break ups, encouraging being a boss babe. With unemployment going up and up, companies will fire women at any giving moment. Divorce is allowed if the man or guy isn't pulling his weight but if you're not thinking rationally and he's working hard, he's planning things to be spontaneous to feel that spark alive and you're just moping with not good enough, not enough... then ladies, look at yourselves in the mirror. I will defend a woman if she's hurt or if she needs to break up because he's abusive or lazy. But honestly, I never understand why women view their work like God, their manager like God. A woman could have a male manager to say, ex: Jessica I need you to say 3 hours for OT - her: yes sir, Jessica I need you to do the party decorations in the conference room - her: yes sir, Jessica I need you to go take your vacation time next month not now we are swamped with work, her: yes sir.
If she comes home and her husband asks hey can you make me food, her - go make it yourself I've had a long day. This is why chivalry is dead, this is why the dynamics marriage is on the decline. Women in the west assume this cut throat capitalist system, mixed with feminism is what truly defends their womanhood. please, as a guy if listened to that dumb theories in western culture, I to would walk around with this pompous, arrogant IDGAF approach and not do any thing nice for the young woman I was married to, that's the difference and women and girls don't understand this.
To the ladies, just understand something, we will witness another Great Depression and World War 3, I know y'all like to fault it and work it for the gram or for society and pretend to have lady balls by destroying the testicular hierarchy built by men who are all dogs and pigs, but when World War 3 begins its going to humble a lot of you women to waive the I am woman flag, the pronouns are ditched, feminism through a masculine sense is ditched. Because then it becomes about you need to protect your life and men should go fight in bloody wars. Interesting how women will pick and choose femininity and wanting to be a stay at home wife. I don't frown upon women working or pursuing a Masters or PhD, being a doctor, being a lawyer, being a professor, having a legal, clean business, not selling your body online and working hard, that's fine, but humble yourselves ladies... honestly, maybe then more genuine dudes will enter your life.
00 Reply
- 13 d
I think it's the same for women and men... there can be a wide range of reasons people stop dating and look for someone to love, and they aren't gender-related... just people related... so people can be hurt, can lose hope, can want to invest in their career or personal development, some discover that being alone suit them...
00 Reply
2.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yeah, and same goes for some women as well.
Depending on the quality and type of relationship the person experienced as well as the nature of the breakup a person can be majorly scared and therefore overly cautious about starting something new even if the perfect person is right under their nose.00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
413 opinions shared on Dating topic. No man is single by choice.
Some are just better at lying to themselves about it.
As for being hurt by women: it’s just an excuse.
Life hurts. You just rally and get back into it.
Other people don’t matter when it’s all said and done. You only have yourself to live with.
If you chose to be alone then alone is all you’ll be. The universe will not balance itself out for you10 Reply- 12 d
no it all depends on the person, personality factors, life choices, overall appearance, and maintenance of ones appearance as well, some disabilities can make socialization and involvement in society extremely challenging for the individual which may further add to their singlehood,
10 Reply 2.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. nope, for me I was married early in life, and it didn't work out so we went our separate ways.
For me it was my "second childhood". I was single for many years by choice.
I had a good job, money, I was in great shape, had my looks, lots of toys and was having too much fun to even think about settling down.
I was gone on my motorcycles all the time, and then I met her.
And then I settled down, but we had a lot of fun together.00 Reply- 12 d
I've been single for a long time now and I have no plans of changing that. I have pure freedom, health and abundance in every way. I am blessed beyond words and I give thanks oy my Heavenly Father every single day!
00 Reply Some are, yep.
After getting hurt badly enough, or enough times, relationships just don't seem worth it, anymore.
Some guys just prefer to remain single, rather than risk going through that again.
00 Reply351 opinions shared on Dating topic. Some, sure. But I think the majority of people just wants to live life for themselves and see where things go.
00 ReplyThe more the break-up hurts, the longer it takes to get over it and find interest in someone else.
00 ReplyNah, I have a type and it seems like my type isn’t often into me. That’s really most of it.
No point in settling.00 Reply- 14 d
I would sooner believe that they’re single for so long because they don’t like women
10 Reply Marriage isn't a word, it's a sentence.
More than likely they chose one and committed to them for life only for them to (most of the time) to commute the sentence to time served.
00 Reply- 12 d
Sure, sometimes, but that's just one of many reasons why a man might be single.
00 Reply - 12 d
Yeah , and some are single just because they choose to be
00 Reply - 13 d
Yeah, some are, but I think many are because they don't put themselves out there, or take care of themselves enough to attract women..
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)14 d
It goes both ways. Cheating, hook up culture, abuse, disrespect & so on.
There's good people out there, never lose hope. If u never try, u will never know.20 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)13 d
If men, or woman for that matter, want to wallow their life away they are free to. Keep in mind. Nobody wants to date a miserable person.
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)14 d
I’ve been single for 9 years because women aren’t worth it at all. They’ll get butthurt and say “ oh you just can’t find a woman” but in all seriousness, the cons outweigh the pros 1000x over.
00 Reply - 12 d
Some are, but its a dumb reason to stay single.
00 Reply - 12 d
some probably. but that doesn't help yo understand why a guy is single.
00 Reply - 13 d
I think in some cases but it works both ways I would say
00 Reply - 14 d
Hurt is one thing, brutalized legally, mentally, financially, and socially is quite another. Modern women are masters of brutality.
00 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)13 d
Bfor dating a woman with not much morals and bitch mentality
00 Reply - 12 d
it's possible. he might be traumatized. meow
00 Reply - 14 d
Had some bad experiences with women. They don’t respect me
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)14 d
Some men are single for a long time cause dating is near impossible.
00 Reply - 14 d
Yeah that's usually the case.
00 Reply - 13 d
Some. Plenty of reasons why people remain single.
00 Reply - 12 d
Not all, but I guess some are.
00 Reply 18.8K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes that’s exactly why
00 Reply- 14 d
Think of it more like an awakening.
00 Reply - 13 d
yes and lost the will/hope to continue trying
00 Reply - 14 d
i can believe that
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)12 d
I have, all of my loves were unrequited :(
00 Reply - 12 d
00 Reply - 13 d
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)13 d
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