What should I do? No boys want to date me?

In my school there is this really popular guy who goes about "flirting" with girls. Lets call him A. He usually makes fun of nerdy girls like me, but I had a head start from the other girls in puberty so my chest is rather prominent. He kept asking me how much I charged for a night, and things like that, and I just ignored him.

But he actually dared reach out and touch me, so I slapped him in the face.

This just made him really mad and he pushed me and I fell. At that moment, one of my friends yelled at me, "Kick him in the balls!". I was just very angry at the moment and didn't think of the consequences, like fertility issues, and I just ran up and kicked him with all the strength I could muster.

After that, he had to have a few guys carry him to the nurses office, and I got suspended for a week. But I mean, its like not my fault right?!

I heard he had to be hospitalized or something for a couple of days and walked funny for a few days when he got back, and I feel guilty for that, but I wouldn't have had to hurt him like that if he didn't touch me in the first place right?

Now we're both back in school and all the guys are avoiding me, calling me a "ball breaker" and names like that. I tried to apologize to A, and I even cared enough to ask if he was feeling better, but he keeps avoiding me and even though I am being friendly and caring he still behaves like that. And no guys want to date me! What should I do? :(
What should I do? No boys want to date me?
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