He told me to forget about him. 2 weeks later he texted me. Should I reply?

I'll try to be brief. I was basically dating this guy. One day he broke up with me and he begged me to stay as friends as he loved me as a friend. One month later, he started to completely ignore me. When I comfort him, he told me he met a girl and he wanted to forget about me (during that month he was showing signs that he still liked me as something more). Days later, I found out that they were a couple now.

After 5 months of not talking, I decided to text him (my bad, I know) saying that I wish we could stay in touch (and not pretending that ou thing never happened). He said no, that even when he would like that too, it was impossible because of his girlfriend. He told me to forget about him.

I'm not going to lie, I still think about him everyday. I have dreams in which I see him or he texts me almost everyday. But today he texted me asking me how I was doing.

Should I reply? Yes/no? Should I be like "Fine" and end of the conversation or "Good.. I've been doing ... and ... And you.? "

He told me to forget about him. 2 weeks later he texted me. Should I reply?
5 Opinion