I met a girl online but she lives an hour and a half away, is it worth it to meet her?

I have been on this online dating site for a while, mainly just for fun, to flirt with girls and stuff, never planning to do anything serious with anyone I've chatted with.

But This one girl I met over a year ago, just clicked with me, she has an addictive personality, you can tell even over an online chat, which most I admit you can't. And she is honestly one of the girls I've most ever been attracted to, personality...everything.

We've been Facebook friends over the past year and still keep in touch to this day, but have never met up. Why? Well meeting up with someone I've only met online seems a little weird to me.

Plus even though she's only a year older than me, she looks much older than me, of course I look younger than I actually am, I don't know if that'd be an issue for her? or if she'd even want to meet me half way? like a 50 minute drive half way. If we did hit it off, how much of a problem would the distance make?

Should I just suck it up and ask her if she'd be willing to give it a shot?
I met a girl online but she lives an hour and a half away, is it worth it to meet her?
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