i know every guy is different but I have the 3 week rule. if we go on at least a date every weekend and he keeps talking for 3 weeks. I feel like it is more likely he is genuinely interested. week days don't count, and the contact is daily or close to daily. that's whether its a text or call. so guys how long will you stick around if you just want to have sex with her. hours? days? weeks? months? how long will you try to pursue her until she gives up the goods. I always straight up tell guys on like date 2 because I've gotten sick of the games. I'll say something like, "im a sexual person once I'm with the right guy, I'm not having sex until I am in a monogamous relationship, I'm old fashioned" this usually weeds out the slimy guys. I'm older now and I just don't want to waste time like when I was younger and would play along and be a tease. any insight on the subject is appreciated. :)
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